A Message From Jack Chick

Issue Date: September/October 2009

Dear Ones in Christ,

Some people drive through a neighborhood looking at flowers, trees and houses, but I don`t. I`m wondering if anyone has reached that neighborhood for the Lord.

How many are saved? And how many nice people, with their nice cars, are going to die in their sins and be horrified to wake up in hell when that last beat stops in their chest?

I wanted to run a test with five different tracts to be delivered on five consecutive nights in a neighborhood. My pastor let me make a presentation and I got some volunteers to join me. We worked out maps and discussed different ways to invite the people to our church. We stamped the back of the tracts with the address and we prayed.

Well, it was sort of scary. At one house I heard this loud barking at the door, expecting to see the hound of the Baskerville glaring at me. The door opened and it was a cute little mutt wagging its tail. We told the folks that this was a little present and that we would see them again later.

The second night was like the first and there were smiles. The third night, kids were waiting to grab the tracts. The fourth and fifth nights, some of us were asked to come in and pray for them.

We inserted a little survey card in the last tract, self addressed to the church to see if they knew the Lord. We got a better response than we expected. Each night the volunteers told of their experiences.

One couple was so fired up that they told us that they wanted to go to the mission field. They joined the Wycliffe Bible Translators, which upset our good pastor —they were big contributors and he missed them when they left.

Even though the pastor closed down our little test, we exposed a lot of people to the gospel, saved or not. We did what the Lord wanted us to do. It was fun and exciting and it really pulled people together in the fellowship.

Anyway, I thought you might like to hear of some of my wild ideas. The souls are out there, unreached, lost in their television sets and video games.

Can we make a difference? You bet!

Your brother in Christ,

Jack T. Chick, President
Chick Publications, Inc.