Chick Mail Bag July/August 2014

"You people are doing God's work, KEEP IT UP. Chick tracts are useful to everyone I come in contact with. The people we see in jails, schools and the retirement homes are given a short lesson in truth every time I pass out a tract. And it grabs their attention and holds it."
B.R., E-mail

"Alberto series book 'covers' attracted my Catholic sister enough to make her buy in order to prove me wrong about my new found saving faith outside Catholism and resulted in her salvation as well as other family ... have used the series ever since to reach and teach others... PTL!"
Odessa, TX

Finding a Chick tract when I was about 10 years old brought me to Jesus
C.M., E-mail

The whole comic book series (Crusader Comic Series) is so awesome! I read them in high school and always learned from them.
J. W., Facebook

"About 30 years ago, I found This Was Your Life in a University bathroom and I got saved!! Now, I'm a "Trackster" for Jesus.
C.T., NC