Jo Anna Woody maintains a literature ministry to prisons. She ships thousands of tracts and Crusader Comics to prisons in several states. Of the testimonies that come back to her, she shares the following from Chaplain John Downs:
He called me (Jo Anna Woody) not long ago, and [I’m] not sure if I shared his story about “Gomez is Coming.” Here it is: he (Chaplain Downs) said that when I sent that last batch of tracts that the “Gomez” in Spanish really was fitting for his Spanish inmates. They have an inmate named “Gomez” and the tract “Gomez” with this guy were like the same person!
One of the Spanish guys put that tract in Gomez’s cell while he was out because they were so afraid of him. When Gomez came in for the night, he saw that tract. The other inmates who could see him, watched with trepidation!!
They were sure he’d probably pitch a fit and cuss everybody out! Well, he read the tract and some of the men who were watching said he looked around the cell for a few minutes, read the tract again and they saw him get on his knees and pray! The next day he told one of the Christian inmates what had happened!! The chaplain said there was a time of great rejoicing —and a few long ‘whews’ because this guy was really mean!! Praise the Lord!!
Anna’s ministry is called Mission Possible and has been a faithful source of the gospel for prisons for many years. If you would like to help, you may write to Mission Possible, PO Box 1184, Inverness, Florida, 34451. They can issue you a tax-deductible receipt.