Evolution Is an Attack on God and the Bible

No God is needed if all life "evolved" from primordial soup over billions of years. Man is just a highly complex mutant that accidentally appeared in a hostile universe.

This takes away all accountability. "Survival of the fittest" becomes the standard of all behavior. No moral law, no 10 Commandments, just wandering chemical organisms trying to figure out why we are here.

Below you will see several key examples from the book, "Darwin's Universe: Survival For Nothing" by author Y. T. Wee, showing how ridiculous evolutionary theory is.

The only reason people profess to believe it is because the only other option is belief in God, which to them is unthinkable.

The Miracle of Water

The Miracle of Water

Ice floats. If it didn’t, you and I wouldn’t be here!

That’s because water is lighter as ice than in liquid form. If this was not so, the lakes and polar oceans would freeze from the bottom up and kill all aquatic creatures vital to life on earth.

Water is almost unique. Nearly every other substance, when it changes from liquid to solid, becomes more dense. But as water cools, it shrinks until it reaches about 39 degrees Fahrenheit, then it expands until it freezes at about 32 degrees —and floats.

Water itself is essential to life. The unbelievably complex cells in our biology are over half water. Up to 60% of the adult human body is water.

The Fine-Tuning of Earth

The Fine-Tuning of Earth

Another recent discovery of true science is the fine-tuning of planet Earth for the support of life. From the study of the massive cosmos to the discoveries in subatomic particle physics, it has been discovered that hundreds of factors, if only minutely changed, would immediately extinguish all living things.

We call these the “laws of nature.” The law of gravity is one example. Everywhere in the universe, a certain amount of mass will have an exact amount of gravitational pull. Dr. Wee describes this and other laws that are so exact that any slight variation would be fatal to life as we know it.

Where did the laws of nature governing everything physical come from? And more importantly, who defined them? Darwinian evolution cannot account for this. The laws and their preset physical constants are mysteriously “just there” and “just right” —balanced on a razor edge.

Intermediate Fossils

Intermediate Fossils

In most people’s minds, fossils and evolution go hand in hand. In reality, fossils are a great embarrassment to evolutionary theory and offer strong support for the concept of creation. If evolution were true, we should find millions of fossils that show how one kind of life slowly and gradually changed to another kind of life. Instead, there are no verifiable intermediate fossils showing a clear transition from one species (kind) to another.

If all complex modern life came from a single cell, there should be thousands or millions of fossils demonstrating all the stages of that transition. But what we see is that all species appear fully developed —as described in Genesis— when they show up in the fossil record, often quite suddenly.

VIDEO: The Inner Life of the Cell

VIDEO CREDIT: "The Inner Life of the Cell" available on YouTube

Molecular Machines

Microbiology has discovered that a single cell is more complex than a hundred space shuttles or even the entire city of New York with its road system, power lines and sewage system. These single cells are actually microscopic “factories,” taking the raw materials provided by food and the environment and converting it to the creation and maintenance of life itself.

Above all, they are not just any molecular factories, but mind-boggling, highly complex, self-replicating biological factories that can reproduce identical copies of themselves. This presupposes a Super Designer capable of thinking up that complexity.

So, in one’s final analysis of the origins of life, faith is required. To believe that nothing suddenly exploded into something with no help from anyone, is an act of faith, not scientific observation. When we look closely at the evidence, it appears far easier to believe in a Super Creator who started it all; yet that also is an act of faith.

We appear to have been given a carefully designed freedom of choice between the two. There is no third alternative! Increasingly, trusting the Creator makes more sense.

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Darwin's Universe: Survival for Nothing

NEW: Darwin's Universe: Survival for Nothing

Darwin has enchanted millions with his theory of Evolution, but few stop to think about where it's all leading them...

From Nothing.
By Nothing.
For Nothing.
It's Survival For Nothing!

•  •  •  •  • 

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