A Message From Jack Chick

Issue Date: November/December 2006

Dear Ones in Christ,

My heart goes out to our young people. The devil has blocked anything promoting decency and morality. Courts have forbidden the 10 commandments from being read in schools, and kids are swirling in a sea of confusion.

On the Internet today, they are exposed to temptations unheard of just a few years ago. Hearts are becoming hardened. Some attend churches where the gospel is not preached and we have a generation coming up who are strangers to the words of God.

Television and teachers are pushing Godless evolution and the homosexual agenda —and scriptures are being fulfilled. Isaiah (5:20) declared: "Woe to them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter."

There IS a way to inoculate young people. My secretary and her husband have raised three of the most godly children I`ve ever known. I asked her what they did and she said: "We raised them by exposing them to Chick tracts and comics. They would go to sleep reading them and we see the results."

Some of our customers are buying sample packs of tracts for special occasions like birthdays, or as graduation presents. Some are giving them as holiday gifts. For the older kids, they are including the Crusaders Comics.

Think about it, beloved! One such gift could impact a life where nothing else could. The Scriptures are the power in Chick literature. I think we all have unsaved relatives, neighbors and friends whose kids are being exposed to drugs, peer pressure and all forms of evil.

Pray about it! What is a soul worth?

Your brother in Christ,

Jack T. Chick, President
Chick Publications, Inc.

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