We Need Tracts—Plus Wisdom

A distraught father recently approached a church leader with deep concern over his daughter. She had recently graduated from a secular university. Since she was living in a different locality, his communication with her was electronic. But a discussion with her of the current political situation revealed that she was no longer pro-life.

The father’s initial question to the leader was whether she had forfeited her right to eternal life as a result of the shift in her position on abortion. Further discussion revealed that her worldview had significantly shifted away from the Biblical worldview that he and his wife had attempted to shape for her in her formative years.

The church leader counseled that, since the daughter was now an adult, the parent had little direct control over her worldview. His best approach now was to avoid alienating her. He could no longer pressure her as he would a child, but must establish a dialogue that would give him a grasp of her perspective and perhaps give him an opportunity to present his worldview as the superior. This was an opportunity to test his ability to present the full message of the gospel.

Oddly enough, this father was an avid Chick tract user. But this story demonstrates that we must not be completely content to just hand someone the gospel. We must also be prepared to follow up with a more complete discussion of our biblical worldview. A recent study indicated that only 2% of the millennial generation actually has a basic biblical worldview.

This makes it even more important that we seed our neighborhood and our sphere of influence with good gospel tracts to locate those who might be approachable for a more complete discussion of spiritual things.

Then, we must study to show ourselves approved as workmen that need not to be ashamed (2 Timothy 2:15). Gospel tracts are powerful little preachers of the gospel. But we who use tracts must not yield to the temptation to neglect preparing for a full discussion of what the gospel means to us.

Besides gospel tracts, Chick Publications attempts to provide soul winners with backup information about most of the major cults that are active in our communities. These include Roman Catholicism, Mormonism, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Evolutionists, and others.

Please also review the book section of our website for these helpful publications.

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