Satan Now Coming Against Christian Universities

The US Department of Education has levied more than $50 million in fines against the two largest Christian universities in the US. These amounts are unprecedented. Michigan State only paid $4.5 million for much more serious charges in the Larry Nassar sexual abuse scandal.

Charges against Grand Canyon University are that they failed to fully disclose the true cost of their tuition. Liberty University is facing fines for failure to disclose incidents of harassment. Legal organizations that have stepped up to defend them say these charges are more targeted than valid.

Even though the Arizona Department of Education and several other state agencies concluded the charges were baseless, US Secretary of Education, Miguel Cardona, has vowed to shut down GCU.

In a statement to a congressional hearing about the charges against GCU, Cardona stated:

“[W]e are cracking down not only to shut them down but to send a message to not prey on students. They have flashy marketing materials, but the product is not worth the paper it is printed on.”
IMAGE: United States Secretary of Education, Miguel Cardona (Credit: Wikipedia)

The 200,000 students who attend the numerous colleges in these two universities would seem to disagree with this assessment.

Satan’s deep penetration into the public education system was exposed by the mandates of the COVID-19 pandemic. Parents watching over the shoulders of their students doing Internet classes at home were horrified by what they saw in some of the curriculum. It became clear that the biblical worldview had been stamped out.

The recent turmoil in the ivy league universities exposes the deep rot in that realm also. Yet there are still oases in that desert.

Where public universities are losing enrollment, Christian universities are flourishing.

But that is not without a fight. GCU has appealed the charges, but the hearing has been set for early 2025. Even if they win, the process of getting there can be more punishing than the verdicts.

This recent outrageous attack on the biblical worldview of our children is part of Satan’s grand plan to steal our children and convert them to the religion of godless socialism.

The COVID-19 pandemic exposed what Satan has done in our public schools. Now we are seeing the results of his handiwork in the universities that have become a hotbed of anti-Israel violence.

Several decades ago, Jack Chick saw this coming. In his tract, The Last Generation, the youngster plays a central role in betraying his Christian parents because of the indoctrination that he has gotten from the education system.

In the nation where only 6% of the populace has a truly biblical worldview, Satan has free reign to try to eliminate the last vestiges of Christianity. As the chaos worsens and our standard of living is eaten away, there are some signs of an awakening.

Some are recognizing that we have broken the covenant that God made with us for a prosperous and gracious nation if we would obey Him.

Soul winners must redouble their efforts to preach the good news as broadly as possible. Doing this in the public square can now be dangerous but saturating the community with no-nonsense gospel literature is a historically proven strategy.

Soul winners, we have work to do. And the time is short!

WATCH: Brian Mueller, President of Grand Canyon University, tells a bit about the university's struggle with government officials in Washington D.C.

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