Chick Mail Bag - September 2001

Because of That Old Devil and other Chick literature (specifically the This Was Your Life at a restaurant with my name and address stamped on the back. This was in New Mexico. In a few weeks I got a letter from a boy in Alabama saying he'd gotten saved through the tract and asking for more. I sent him a copy of all the ones I had and your address. Praise the Lord for your ministry!
G., LA

Many years ago your tract A Demon's Nightmare woke me up to the dire need to repent and be saved. Now my wife and I want to spread the good news using your tracts.
C.C., AK

I thank God for the way He has reached me and many, many others here in South West Africa, and also in South Africa, through the publication of the Chick comics and booklets. I personally know of quite a few strong Christians who have dedicated their lives to the Lord and also in His service through the conviction that had come to them through reading Scarface, The Gift, Room 310, and This Was Your Life.
South West Africa

I gave Is There Another Christ to a Catholic who had been saved but still in the Catholic Church. I showed him Hebrews chapter 10. He and his family left the Church and I led his sister to the Lord.
R.T., PA