Chick Mail Bag November/December 2013

"THANK GOD for your It's Your Life! pamphlet!!! The "animation" says ALL that I've been trying to say to whomever. I have been trying to witness, yet I was too preachy, too aggressive and forcing...THIS IS A BLESSING and the work you do!!!"
G.G., Facebook

"I want to thank this ministry for publishing Chick tracts. My Mom read them when she was a teenager and had me liking them, too. I try to leave tracts at many places I go to. One day I bought a stack of tracts and on the way home two of my little brothers, who could not read, spent some time looking through most of the tracts. Then they went to mom and asked her how they could get to heaven. They prayed with her, and received Jesus that day. Even though they are older now, they are growing stronger in their walk with Jesus. I am amazed at how the pictures are effective as well as the words in these tracts."
J.B., E-mail

"I have read and loved your tracts since 1974. I first read some while in high school. They were left here and there by some students. I found, read and kept them all these years. Your tracts helped me to know and love Christ Jesus. Thank you for your service to Christ. Over the last 15 years I, too, have distributed your tracts. I pray they, too, will soften the hardened heart. Just figured I would drop a quick note to say 'Thank You.'"
R.P., E-mail

"To the creator of Chick tracts... Dear brother, I don't know you personally, but I praise our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ who was, who is and who is to come, on how much your tracts have changed my life and the lives of my daughter and my other children whom I take care of as my own in an orphanage here in Malaysia.

"I serve together with my wife and 11-year-old daughter in full time ministry as house parents of an orphanage which is run by my church. These children are from orphaned, neglected, abandoned and abused backgrounds.

"As a child back in the 70's, reading these tracts has put the fear of God in me. And because of this, after getting to read these tracts, it has begun to put the fear of God in [my daughter] too, that at this age of 11 she has made up her mind to be a pastor when she grows up. The reason she tells me is because she does not want anyone to miss out on our Lord Jesus Christ's saving grace. Now the rest of my children are also seriously considering to enter full time ministry serving the Lord. I don't know if I would ever be able to see you personally in this lifetime, but I hope to see you in heaven when we are all called into His glory one day. Brother, may our Lord Jesus Christ bless you and your family exceedingly and abundantly all the days of your life. Amen."
N.D., Facebook Post