Is God Angry With America Again?

The collision of the ocean freighter, Dali, with the Francis Scott Key bridge in Baltimore a few days ago has raised a number of questions. But Randy DeSoto of Western Journal resurrects an old theory: "The collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore last week appears to fit a pattern of catastrophes happening in the U.S. very shortly after the nation takes an adverse action toward Israel."
He calls attention to the fact that the "accident" happened the very next morning after the US president refused to veto a damaging UN resolution against Israel. He goes on to quote other authors and podcasters raising the same question.
The downed bridge is no small incident. It is blocking all access to the port of Baltimore, one of the busiest in the country.

America's on-again, off-again attitude

America has had an on-again, off-again attitude toward Israel. Originally, Jewish leaders were instrumental in helping George Washington overcome the British. Fast forward to World War II finds a strong sentiment against the Jews both in the government and some business leaders like Henry Ford.
President Franklin D. Roosevelt actually turned back a shipload of Jews seeking asylum from the terrors of the Nazis in Europe. No country would take them, forcing them back to Germany where some were probably murdered in Hitler's gas chambers.
As Israel was struggling to become a nation, Roosevelt was determined to oppose it. But his sudden death placed Harry Truman in the White House who put his stamp of approval on the creation of the new nation.
Since then, Israel has fought several wars against the Muslims, mostly with America's help. Muslims continue to believe that the land of Israel was given to them by Allah, based on their holy book the Koran. They have rejected every diplomatic attempt to create even a two-state solution.

Correlation with U.S. disasters?

DeSoto's article goes on to show an apparent correlation between the negative attitude of more recent American governments toward Israel and the escalation of U.S. disasters.
Several years ago another book appeared describing a similar suspicion. John McTernan wrote a book called "As America Has Done To Israel." In over 300 pages, the book lays out a detailed history of the possible correlation between America's attitude against the nation of Israel and an astounding list of disasters.
Jack Chick always held a strong respect for the Jewish people because of the Bible's declaration that God's blessing will follow those who bless Israel.
He and artist Fred Carter decided to create a comic on the subject for the Crusader series. It is called "Unthinkable" and graphically portrays some of the disastrous scenarios described in McTernan's book. For example, between 2008 and 2011, the Obama presidency declared 242 official disasters, some costing more than a billion dollars in damage.

Land for peace?

In the comic book, Jack Chick says, "Obama was relentless in his attack on Israel, trying to use any means necessary to get her to give up land for yet another promise of peace. So God kept bringing unprecedented disaster after disaster to America."
Besides the paperback book and the Crusader Comic, Chick Publications has three tracts related to Israel. One of them, called Somebody Angry, is also based on McTernan's book. You can read all three of them here: Tracts
King David declared, "pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee," (Psalms 122:6).

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