A Message From Jack Chick About Alberto Rivera

Jack Chick discusses the Christianity Today attack on Alberto Rivera.

Alberto Preaching the Gospel

Following his conversion, Alberto spoke in churches worldwide.

Alberto Rivera as a Young Priest

Photos of Alberto Rivera as a young priest in Spain.

Alberto Rivera Passes Away

Eighteen years ago, by the providence of God, the Lord put a man with a vital message together with a man who had a vehicle to spread it.

'Alberto's Death Won't Stop Us From Winning Catholics to Christ'

Week after week, testimonies pour into Chick headquarters from precious ex-Catholics rejoicing that they have learned the truth of their spiritual peril from the Alberto comics.

Alberto's Official Certification

Letter from Archbishop of Madrid-Alcala certifying Alberto to travel as priest on church business.

Author Proves Jack Chick and Alberto Were Right

In the early 1970s, ex-Jesuit Alberto Rivera began to tell how Rome was working behind the scenes to bring protestants back under the pope's control.

Does Chick Literature work on Catholics?

After she gave her Catholic mother the ‘Alberto Series’ from Chick, her mother was ‘all too ready to get saved.’ They still work!

Does Jack Chick Hate Catholics?

His anti-Catholic tracts are not an attack on the Catholic people, but rather expose the false teachings used to keep them in bondage to the Catholic Church.

Dr. Rivera's 15-Year-Old Claims Verified by Current Events

In 1985, ex-Jesuit Alberto Rivera predicted that the Vatican would eventually apologize for its part in the German Holocaust, the inquisition, and the slaughter of Jews and Muslims during the Crusades.

ID Card Spanish Authorities Issued to Alberto

See his Jesuit ID card issued shortly before his conversion to Christ.

In defense of former Jesuit Alberto Rivera

Letter by James Houston responding to Christianity Today after their article claimed Alberto Rivera was a fraud.

Introduction: Is Alberto For Real?

The Vatican says he's a fraud! But history bears out his testimony. The story behind the testimony of Alberto Rivera, converted Jesuit priest.

Nuns In 23 Countries Report Sexual Abuse by Priests

The cover story in the March 16, 2001 issue of the National Catholic Reporter described reports of nuns from 23 countries who have been pressured for sexual favors or outright raped by priests and bishops.

Publisher's Forward: Is Alberto For Real?

Why Chick Publications published the testimony of former Jesuit priest, Alberto Rivera.

Read French 'Godfathers' online

The French language edition of "The Godfathers" by Jack T Chick, part 3 of the "Alberto Series" about the conversion of a Jesuit priest.

Read German "Alberto" online

A Jesuit priest finds Christ...then exposes Romes's innermost secrets. The tesimony of Alberto Rivera. Read the comic online.

Read German "Godfathers" online

Part 3 of the "Alberto Series" about converted Jesuit priest Alberto Rivera. See how Rome was behind the Holocaust.

Read Italian "Alberto" online

Part 1 of the "Alberto Series" story of converted Jesuit priest Alberto Rivera.

Read Korean "Alberto" Online

The Korean language edition of "Alberto" by Jack T Chick, part 1 of the "Alberto Series" about the conversion of a Jesuit priest.

Read Polish "Alberto" online

Read part 1 of the "Alberto Series," the story of converted Jesuit priest Alberto Rivera.

Read Portuguese "Alberto" online

The Portugueselanguage edition of "Alberto" by Jack T Chick, part 1 of the "Alberto Series" about the conversion of a Jesuit priest.

Read Swedish "Godfathers" online

Part 3 of the "Alberto Series" story of converted Jesuit priest Alberto Rivera.

Statements About Alberto From Former Catholics

A former priest and nun attest to the truth of what Alberto said about Roman Catholicism.

The Crumbling of the Catholic ‘Church’

Catholicism has long been an opposing force to Bible-believing Christians everywhere. On the surface, this counterfeit church could sometimes be counted on to uphold basic doctrinal issues such as the sanctity of life and the sanctity of marriage. At least, in the Western World.

Was Alberto Who He Claimed To Be?

Defense of Alberto Rivera against those who claim he was a fraud. See the evidence.